Our Special Needs CAPS Curriculum is 100% CAPS Aligned meaning that it offers the same Curriculum that any child in traditional schooling would be doing, the only exception is that students are learning in the comfort of their own and at their own pace via our interactive video lessons that is engaging and fun for students.
Our Special Needs CAPS Curriculum allows students with Special Education Needs but who are able to cope on the CAPS Curriculum to remain on the CAPS Curriculum but to study at their own pace thus students are able to do a grade between 12 to 18 months thus offering them up to 6 terms.
A student who is for example in Grade 3 is able to do 2 subjects per term or a grade 4 student is able to do 1 subject per term.
Grade R to 9: Available in English and Afrikaans
Special Needs Curriculum provides students with a tailor made special needs curriculum with the aim of equipping children with as much basic life skills as possible in order to be functional adults.
The Four main areas of focus is Numeracy(Maths), Literacy(English) and Life Skills with the first focus being learning to read and then communication and language and writing, Personal, social and emotional development ( Life Skills) and Fine Motor Skills.
Our Special Needs Homeschool Curriculum is from Grade R TO 9 with each Grade consisting of 4 terms.
In order to assess which Grade is best suited for your child, our academics team will use the report card and all the information you provide to assess the best level for the student however the most accurate measurement is by the student doing an assessment for Maths and English.
Subjects English Students: Maths, English, Life Skills
Subjects Afrikaans Students: Wiskunde, Afrikaans, English (Optional), Lewensvaardighede
Grade R-9 Available in English and Afrikaans
Our Remedial CAPS Homeschooling focuses on filling the gaps for students with learning gaps while still keeping them on the CAPS Curriculum With this option the main goal is to assist a child who has fallen behind academically to ‘catch up’ to their peers.
The content of these programs is CAPS aligned and is usually focused on the foundational skills of reading, writing and numeracy at Foundations phase level and at Intermediate and Senior phase level the focus is to unpack the work to make it manageable for the students, to focus on key principles to ensure understanding and to equip them with learning skill while still keeping the students on the CAPS Curriculum.
The important thing to note is that with our Remedial Online Homeschooling the focus is to keep students in mainstream although they are homeschooling, this option is for students who want to remain on the CAPS Curriculum although they experience learning difficulties.
Our Remedial offering allows a student to be in different grades for different subjects. A student can therefore be in Grade 2 for Afrikaans, Grade 3 for Maths and Grade 4 for English because the aim to is bridge the GAP and get them at the same level for all their subjects and grades.
Grade R to 9 Available in English and Afrikaans.