FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


1. What does the registration process with Saving Grace Homeschool entail?

Go to https://savinggracehomeschool.co.za/online-registration/and enroll for the product that suits your child’s needs.

The following documents will be required during the enrollment process, keep them handy in electronic format:

  • Copy of the parent & student ID/birth certificate
  • Previous academic year’s reports
  • Your enrollment is first approved.

You will then get access to our online learning platform. For the remainder of 2020,textbooks are available for free on www.sanpplify.com. We will send you a textbook list once enrolled.

Snapplify will be our preferred digital supplier in 2021. However, it is important to note that ebooks will not be printable from that platform.

If your child is of compulsory school-going age (7–15), the next step is to register with Department of Basic Education for homeschooling.

(Follow this link to begin the process: https://www.education.gov.za/Programmes/HomeEducation.aspx)

A computer, tablet or laptop is needed to get started and a stable internet connect is essential.

Saving Grace Homeschool reports are readily accepted at schools, as we are fully CAPS aligned which means that appropriate assessment has been applied and that our reports are valid and reliable. Because of this, qualifying candidates can submit their NSC certificates to any tertiary institution both in South African and abroad with confidence.

Saving Grace Homeschool is a home education curriculum provider for Grade R–9. We provide the option of a tutor support or no tutor support, depending on the needs of the home educating family.

We recommend working on an average of three to four hours per day (Grade R to 3), four to five hours (Grade 4 to 7), and more than five hours Grade 8 to 9, divided up during the day per the schedule that you decide on.

Our learning management system is structured in such a way that learners are able to work independently without constant parental support.

We will offer the curriculum to Afrikaans Home Language students in 2021


1. How do the fees and payment work?

You may pay for the entire year upfront or choose to pay a 25% deposit, followed by 5 monthly installment payments via debit order. When you enroll online at https://savinggracehomeschool.co.za/online-registration/ your fees will be apportioned based on your signup date. We offer discounted fees throughout the year to enable parents to enroll at any time at an affordable rate.

Saving Grace Homeschool reserves the right to impose a reasonable cancellation penalty with regard to any services provided. More details will be provided in our standard agreement form upon enrollment.

Our enrollments are open throughout the year. If a student enrolls late during the year, they will be exempted from the current test/examination series immediately following the enrollment.

Students who enroll late will be given all the support to ensure that they know where to start in each subject and can carry on with the current term. It is advised that the previous terms are then revised, where the parent and/or learner identifies gaps in knowledge in preparation for the next cycle.


1. Where are the tests / examinations written?

Grade 4–9 test/examination papers are written online and submitted immediately, students are required to log on for their tests /exams and will be invigilated throughout the duration of the test /examination.

Yes. The Grade 4–9 test and examination timetables will be made available during the terms.