
South Africa’s 1st
Online  Homeschool


Available in English and Afrikaans

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Saving Grace Remedial Online Homeschool


Saving Grace Remedial Online Homeschool aims to assist students with learning gaps in Mathematics, English or Afrikaans.

We are an accredited online homeschool catering to children on various spectrums by offering a holistic approach to learning that incorporates the CAPS curriculum.

Our Remedial programs is designed to close the gap between what students know and what they’re expected to know. We reteach core skills.

Every child is special, from their individual freckles right down to the size of their pinky toes! But some children have needs that are considered “extra” special — outside the scope of the ordinary. If your child fits into this category, then you understand that they are learners with special needs, as well.

If your child is not coping in main stream this is probably due to one of 2 things: The CAPS Curriculum may not be suited for them or perhaps it could be the fast pace of traditional schooling that is putting pressure and affecting them negatively.

If you are exploring the option of Online Homeschooling your child with learning gaps or special educational needs or if your child is academically behind and needs Remedial Homeschooling then you are at the right place.We offer 2 homeschool curriculum option:

  1. Remedial CAPS Curriculum  (Grade R-9-Available in English and Afrikaans)
  2. Special Needs Curriculum (Grade R-9-Available in English and Afrikaans)

Education of Children with Learning Gaps

Children with ADHD, often require shorter lessons and untimed tests.


Children with Down syndrome may need accommodations for reading, writing, and testing.


Dyslexic students often benefit from visual aids, assistive technology, and books on tape.


Homeschooling can be incredibly beneficial for many special needs children.


Parents who have been battling the school system for a curriculum adaptation for special needs or the ability to dictate their answers to a scribe often feel like their time could be better spent.  They may start to ask themselves, “Can I homeschool my special needs child?” The answer, of course, is a resounding, “Yes!”

Homeschool Curriculum for STUDENTS WITH LEARNING GAPS

Fortunately for homeschooling parents, there is no need for an advanced degree in special education to adequately teach a child.

Our Curriculum is designed for teaching children with learning gaps

When evaluating remedial online homeschool program, you should make sure that it:

  • Proceeds at the students own pace.
  • Builds on existing reading, writing and math skills.
  • Allows placement and progress for each child at independent levels for math and language arts.
  • Encourages kids to become active learners through exploration and discovery.
  • Introduces new learning opportunities in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Balances learning with fun!

Our interactive multimedia lessons is perfect for children with short attention spans, autism, processing disorders, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities.

Curriculums offered